A page... that will live in emphany.
Heck to the yeah I want to talk about playoffs. That’s why I keep refreshing this thread!
Say something nice about Birmingham. Lol! Love you Bazza!
Both encouraging and realistic.
Well played
This is worse than watching exit polls on election night!
Any word on whether Sunday Silence was actually at the G'ville airport?
if legit, approximately 30 miles from Bristol
well it's definitely been on the down low
Hey, I did my part too. Think I posted at least three times!
I keep thinking that if the Jimmy Sexton angle is true, all of this flaming smoke with CK might have brought him back to the table with a better...
90.... Huey Richardson...that is all ;)
Dang. I thought you wrote Whitecastle for a minute. Got me kinda hungry.
With all the Mark Twain quotes being thrown around, I do wish I could have met the man. Of course, since his most recognized work was The...
More importantly, what will we do with our time after the search has ended?
If it was at Pirates World.... Leach it is!