Are you saying Gender Queer is an outrageous example? Why is that?
No, I am trying to demonstrate that we don't have to defer to the "experts" on everything. Some books are as plain as day not appropriate for...
Exactly my point.
What does Florida have that California doesn't? California has even better weather than Florida yet it lost people. Florida continues to gain....
I asked a question, I didn’t lie.
I asked first and all I’ve gotten is crickets.
Not the question I asked. The point I'm trying to drive at is "do you guys think this book should be offered in elementary school libraries for...
The American Library Association awarded the Alex Award to Gender Queer. For those who don't know, the Alex Awards are given to ten books every...
No, when most people didn't notice most people didn't care. Then people started to notice and they cared. Specifically the abusers or the...
I'm sorry, when would it be a good time to talk about it? Last I checked most people generally don't follow their local school boards particularly...
1. I don't believe that the real issue you have with this is the state/local distinction. You just don't like the policy. 2. You're treating...
Best thing to do is mute the mic when it's the other guy's time. Both sides would probably be frustrated with this at times, but it probably...
I will give Newsom this much credit. I feel like he has a record that is actually impossible to defend. But he did the best anybody could under...
If you insist on providing books with graphic sexual depictions to children, go to a public library for adults and check one out yourself. Or buy...
Tell that to all of the parents at school board meetings who saw the schools offer inappropriate materials with their own eyes.
Maybe I'm missing something about California. Then I watched it for about 5 minutes and was like "nope." But I was too invested at that point to...
How about parents who want their kid to read Gender Queer check the book out of a public library or buy the damned thing on Amazon or Barnes and...
So everyone who supports the removing of inappropriate material from elementary and middle public school libraries supports "book-banning," under...
Citing California law does not prove that it's much easier in Florida for criminals to gain access to firearms.
Newsom should hire you for his PR team, I'm sure you'd fit right in. Sure let's ignore the fact that California is losing people, Florida is...