Yeah, either that or you're so locked into your tribe that you excuse make for an outright racist by trying to falsely rationalize that everybody...
And you have insurrection and conspiracy to defraud an election. Be proud.
a) What about the goat? Why does nobody care about him? She then went on to kill a family goat, which she called “nasty and mean.” Noem also...
Republicans sure do love crime and criminals. It's just like J6 all over again.
Sorry, it's time to call out your 'both sides-ing' things for the laughable inaccuracy that it is. Right. And we've always had lying racists...
Nah. The political right needs to cease couching their pro-war crimes stance as pro-Israel.
I'm not worried about YOU. I'm just pointing out that a great many of the new "immigration concerns" from the right are really just.....either...
Trumpy Noem has always been a vile scumbag.
Good article. The only "news" about this, though, is that it's news to anyone. Trump is an outright criminal, and the USSC is crooked as a...
Things that never happened for $800 please, Alex.
Especially those who have as one of their biggest election "planks".... turning their base rabidly angry through a litany of racist lies about...
Definitely. And on one side of the political aisle we have a party that doesn't advocate too much of a plan to do or improve these things. On...
Not to sound impolite, but your garbage logic insinuating why there should be no gun regulation has been repeatedly debunked time and time and...
Nope. You don't get to 'both sides' this. Take this somewhere else. Last time I checked there was a party presidential nominee who had almost...
It's a fair point, but what should the US policy be because of that? Allow Israel to commit war crimes by killing 10s of thousands of Palestinian...
Danny DeVito summed it up perfectly : "Supreme Court, my ass."
How long until American parents take their kids to Trump rallies to hear an ex-POTUS (sort of) spew un-American lies. Oh, wait.....
This. Also, ask OP to explain in detail how if migrants, whose employment is needed by the American economy, instead had their jobs filled by...
Is there a part for more accurate spellings? Some variations, like Ben F Brogers and Ben F orgers, appeared to be minor spelling mistakes
Clicked on link, it said; "We've gone bankrupt due to publishing fake news. "