Definitely. But I'm just in charge of me. Aren't you REALLY REALLY mad at the guy who oversaw the whole failed covid response? What a total LOSER!
I'm getting Bluked. I guess he agrees with this Great Replacement Theory stuff......but doesn't have the hanging parts to come out and say it.
Welcome to today's political right......
Aren't you just so disappointed that he didn't then? What a total failure! What a LOSER!! At least he did tell us to ingest horse dewormer,...
Also : totally sucks. Who was at the highest level of the government during this disinformation campaign? OP must be really mad at Trump for...
Entered thread to hear OP's latest kooky contribution on covid. Leaving both amused and satisfied.
It's hard to properly grasp the damaging filth Trump has opened the door to. With racism being one of his only true principles (along with lust...
From the replies : You’re going to think I’m crazy, but Russia (if you let it) will be Europe’s salvation. Russia is the only major player in...
You got positive Bluked for this cerebral contribution. Congrats, I guess.
Entered thread to see Trumpy traitor Russian apologist follow marching orders and try to downplay flagrant murderous Russian aggression. Leaving...
Then I'm the best!
3 law enforcement officers killed in shooting at Charlotte, North Carolina, residence, 5 other officers shot and injured...
When the likes on your childish post are Bluke and should take a deep look inward.
Edgy. I noticed you deleted your surprise that CNN accurately published this poll, because they usually......what, don't accurately publish...
ZOMG - it's like they don't even behave like "leftist" media!! Still is. And a criminal. As he was.
Totally not following the thread. You mean Bluke?
^ Shouldn't that meme be referencing Cory Lewandowski? "Cory Lewandowski when Kristi Noem asks...."
From the article " ...It is what the Founders worried about and Abraham Lincoln warned about: a decline in what they called public virtue... Who...
Don't elected officials have total immunity for any crimes they commit while in office? I'm confused.