^ Sounds about right.... Netanyahu: "Having a plan for this war would be just chatter!"
Trumppublicans will be sad.
Nothing but a crime organization, supporting its criminal. An interesting tidbit from the article is how that sycophant from Virginia has to pay...
Criminals have to stand trial.
Did Trump only agree to this because he thinks that he'll actually be incarcerated at the time?
It's weird, no? People (war supporters) also keep ignoring the famine and displacement. It's like those things aren't actually even happening so...
No thanks, I'm not hacking through that very large collection of opinions again to find out precisely who had which opinion. Cool headline,...
And again, you post "statistics" that are either inaccurately attributed or just plain inaccurate. Your link to the Center for Civilians in...
Zero substance in your posts ever. It's like talking to my dog. Take a lap, sport.
Yes, I remember all the outdoor churches that were unfairly targeted.
LOL. "I'll build a wall and Mexico will pay for it."
Meh. Your pseudo data opinions-presented-as-fact pieces are about as interesting as they are accurate. Which is to say not really at all. Before...
LOL. Cool semantics and attempt at a tangent. Israel is slaughtering civilians in a counterproductive response to a terrorist attack. Soon...
I'm referring to a comparison between the civilians Hamas killed in their vile 2023 terrorist attack and the number of civilians Israel has killed...
To him it means whatever mental gymnastics are necessary to vote for a criminal. Because the criminal condones his anger, grievance and Otherism....
The J6 Committee was very UNFAIR!! To Trumpy traitors.
I agree. I try to instead say something like "The things you are saying are untrue." Or "Can you please substantiate that false statement."...
I think it's all the bans on non-liberal news sites he faces over here. It's really....NOT FAIR. That's why, for just a few examples, he can't...
I'm very sorry for asking you to substantiate a lie from your political leader. That was very unkind. Thanks for playing victim.
Really digging that "thanks for playing" line. Totally makes up for an absence of facts.