Mighty strong remark. Ugly too. Is it based on some real knowledge or just thrown in to stir a little venom into the pot?
Thank you tigator2019. You sound like you have principles and character. Your school and the young men and women in your charge are fortunate. We...
Woodruff used to punt on 3rd down.
To be totally honest with you tigator, I’m not sure what would be a fair consequence in this case. But I do think it could have been more measured...
I think you are probably right swampbabe, but that doesn’t justify discarding this young man on the pretext that he committed an unforgivable...
Not being blackballed from every major and most every other college/ university football program in our country. Is that your idea of a fair...
Yes. Why don’t we. UF used to make the claim it was the largest student run production in the USA. To me, it’s a shame traditions like Gator Growl...
Funny you said that: only thing I remember about that performance is that I was disappointed. I kept it to myself though. To criticize Bob Hope...
I’m trying, with no success, to load a picture of the 1961 Gator Growl program with this reply. Dick Stratton was the emcee and the Kingston Trio...
I realize this class isn’t rated top ten but it’s just outside of that and I, for one, think it is a great class. It addresses our biggest needs...
Billy Latsko was a walk on. He didn’t play his last year of eligibility, if I’m not mistaken. He was a very good football player.
I feel bad for this young man. He is a victim of bad judgement and also the times we are living in. I strongly believe the punishment and...
I may live to eat these words, Doc: but I hope your right.
I’m pretty sure Caden Jones is the last of our commitments that hasn’t signed. Don’t know if he’s supposed to sign today or not. I hope he stays...
Seems like I’ve heard this song before. He’s been a great player over the years, no denying that. But I think he will serve himself and his...
Are you suggesting we should not allow a young athlete on our team because of his political inclination? What next? Do we keep our Baptists or...
Easter Sunday fell on April 17 last year. When crusher mentioned that he thought that was a factor in moving the game date I recalled that it was...
Seems like I remember something last year about accommodating students. Don’t know how that would be except it may have been that the term ended...
Should definitely have beaten Kentucky and Vandy last year and Tennessee, FSU and even LSU were within reach. We have to have better QB play and...
All that glitters is not gold.