Looks good, better then the Raiders rip off.
No way in hell the head coach didn't know.
Put a 1 in front of that 400 if they want a new place.
If anything should be torn down to be rebuilt it's the east side, the south end zone is actually one of the newer parts of the stadium, A&M did...
They would just raise prices to offset it, teams today (college and pro) only want deep pockets in the place, the people trying for the cheap sets...
That's exactly what they would have done if the current AD was in charge.
Doubt he ever plays college ball, he'll wait it out and collect cash until the draft.
They have literally gotten people killed for football, nothing should be surprising.
Make the window 5 days, you have to be in and out in that time period, make it an event, 24 hour converge of wining and dining.
I blame the bad mojo from football infesting the baseball team ;)
Those punishments worked back in the days of the NCAA having guts.
Vacating wins is silly, should be turned into forfeits.
Where's the funny?
He ain't got it.
What an ass hat.
LSU already has a rematch with Wake listed for Wednesday on their online schedule, vols don't really count :D
3-4 years is very patient, there are guys out there getting fired in 1-2.
Can't use the "we're so young" excuse if you bring in transfers. ;)
4 years is plenty of time for a coach to show his stuff, also all the time in the world was never going to turn the triple M group into...
Stricklin had no problem with it, maybe he should go too. Teel: Ellie O'Connor works for Gators but will cheer her dad and Virginia at CWS