again sanctimonious. And wrong. Par for the course. And stop telling people to be objective when you have failed to do so yourself. I am not...
I was raised in a military family but am liberal. I wonder if this is a military thing? Like if were raised hearing about it or living it you...
2 steps forward 1 step back. The fight isn’t over. Admissions is hard to legislate because legislators usually don’t understand the work. Most...
Why do conservatives refuse to recognize this is not just about Ukraine? It’s bigger than that. Jfc it’s been a year and a half and we still are...
Hey I posted an update!
Hard disagree with that take simply because you’re putting Ukraine and Russia on equal footing.
I’ve never said otherwise. But why keep bringing it up over and over? One could argue all governments are corrupt some are just better at hiding...
I think this is a good move overall. Will continue to force admissions professionals to adapt and progress and they for sure will. It’s not like...
Ukraine Invasion Day 493: Russia continues threat of an intentional radiologic incident Anyways - Ukraine is continuing to advance slowly on...
Oh right on cue here he is again telling us how bad Ukraine is again.
Gee fellas, it looks like I hurt his feeling. lol ok dude whatever helps you sleep at night. Feel free to block me if you want you sanctimonious...
We’re all rooting for Ukraine here. Except for you apparently. Trying to justify indiscriminate Russian attacks all over Ukraine on civilian...
the hmmmm is he’s a fricken Russian apologist constantly and he tries to hide like a weenie behind the curtain of “objectivity” but he’s just...
you know what else endangers civilians? Being invaded… notice their third point… in no way does the positioning of Ukrainian bases justify russias...
Seeing some things out there that the deal being reported is a lie? If the goal of this operation was to confuse everyone well done Russia.
The theatre of the absurd in Russia right now is stunning.
Omfg is this really happening?
I’m seeing tweets that Wagner has taken control of Rostov - one of the largest logistical hubs for the Russian army supplying the war. Anyone else...
All I want is for Russia to be forced to pull back from Ukraine. If they have a war in their own borders they won’t have a choice.
This is nuts. I hope its a total cluster and Russia starts eating itself. But I doubt anyone is that lucky.