That you think Biden and Trump are equally bad says it all. If the Dems nominated someone who tried to overthrow our Democracy and who was...
Now that's funny. You don't play sides. Thanks for the laugh.
In no small part because the labor market is so solid.
That link confirms the title of this thread. Thanks for posting it.
Just a whole lot of wishful thinking here.
You're only not happy with the economy because a Dem is president. If it were a Repub pres, with the exact same metrics, you'd think the economy...
I wouldn't count on it. We have a whole thread about how Trump articulates things. Diminished and Confused - Is Trump OK?
If this is the best you can do you're pretty much admitting that Biden has been a good president.
It means the relative price of gas is lower than anytime since 1974.
And he's single-handedly confirming the title of this thread.
Your hatred is consuming you. Let it go.
They won't bother with an actual platform, just like in 2020. It's just gonna be 'whatever Trump wants'.
And it might have helped save a few MAGAs in the US for the same reason. For the rest of us, who don't have worms, it was of no use.
Yeah but what's ISIS got against Russia?
Well Florida's surgeon general practices medieval medicine so makes sense that there'd be an increase in medieval diseases.
If it were a one time thing where they thought their house was worth 400k but it was really only worth 300k, no, you shouldn't report them for...
It's either intentional dishonesty or he is unable to understand that the 2020 wage number are skewed because lower wage workers lost their jobs...
He's such a fool. And he must not know many old people. My parents, aunts, uncles and many older friends and acquaintances have been retired for...
Let's not pretend it's definitive. You can find experts who say it wouldn't be constitutional and I can experts who say it would.
Yeah I read your earlier post. But a federal wealth tax wouldn't necessarily be unconstitutional.