Jeez that was frustrating. Just got to learn to deal with that zone.
UF: 78 USC: 75 MVG: Clayton SOG: +6
Funny story. When I was at UF around 2000, I went to Ireland for Spring Break. My goal was to drink Guinness everyday, partly because I thought...
As Jonah Goldberg wisely cautioned, it can be a noble thing to join a tribe, but what makes it noble is the object of its strength, not the...
If the proper pace of this process means that the trial should occur after the election, then that’s when it should occur. However, I don’t think...
How to identify a bias free report of the fact is a tough problem. I don’t really believe in bias free, but I do think there are journalistic...
What’s false about a childish insult? Nothing. Nor is there anything true about it. It’s just dumb and not what we should desire from a...
This intro is abjectly terrible. “‘Busy’ schedule of eating ice cream?” I don’t know Townhall, but I can understand G8tas’ point. I accept that...
Interesting wrinkle, and one that I don’t know how to deal with properly. I believe we have some interesting laws barring media from certain...
I will go even further in the riling up category by saying not only do I think 0% is the right corporate tax rate, I also think Citizens was the...
It is interesting how correct this formulation seems to me and you, and how obviously villainous it seems to most other people.
One general comment that I’d like to make is that the moral actions of particular people, such as Trump, Boebert, or Hunter Biden, shouldn’t...
What a tough challenge, ATL. Sounds like you must have been a really excellent and committed parent to be equal to it. I hope I can prove to be as...
That is extremely kind, head. Especially since I offered basically nothing to the thread after witnessing the high quality of the offerings...
Amazing stuff. Expectations are high for good reason. That guy can just flat out play.
Gators: 87 Mizzou: 60 MVG: Clayton SOG: 15/3
What a great thread. I think this shows that there’s a ton of great wisdom to be mined on Too Hot if one asks the right questions.
If I may try to defend @l_boy’s and my one-sidedness in language here, I think we are just trying to address the current legal battles, where it...
Good points. I would go even further to suggest that it’s irrelevant if the information that is being censored or promoted is “disinformation”....