Certainly they operate like a private corporation with only their own interests in sight, rather than those of the country. And they most...
Appreciate your respectful argument. I think the ultimate question is who decides what is criminal? This clearly must be stipulated in the...
I have many times expressed in this forum my disapproval of the Republican Party’s fealty to Trump, but I must push back against your request to...
There seems to be two schools of thought here: Friday’s is the most important game that sets the tone of the weekend. Each game is just as...
I’m also interested if there’s room.
This thread sent me on a path evidently, as I’ve now read two more books by Brooks: The Road the Character. This is a nice book in which Brooks...
Ok I finished The Wisdom of Crowds. Indeed it was right up my alley. Admittedly, it was preaching to the choir with me, but I thought the argument...
I think this concentration of interests in a single individual is what is most troubling about the maga movement. I try to determine what are the...
I think you are misunderstanding the nature of my question. While of course I do think we should try to be respectful to one another, if youve...
No, you’re making the right point. When have we ever seen one of these “this is what party X wants” posts be accepted by actual members of party...
Davis’ post was inflammatory, but at least it was geared toward the topic, suggesting that he is doubting the evidence for the article’s claim....
What’s the goal of this post, fl? It is simply a personal attack without even a passing mention of any issues.
Good question. Those are some very nice numbers, though either way, I would assume those numbers are going to rise this weekend.
To be fair, I think he said something like, “I think a fast pace favors Bama, but Florida likes to run too.” So it wasn’t a completely one sided...
Perhaps I’m overly pessimistic, but it seems to me that the world is just too complex for our little minds to model it with any great detail. I...
We may be getting a little far a field from the OP, but then again, the OP was basically ‘what the hell is this universe?’, so perhaps that is an...
Awesome. Thanks Wes. I do think that Locke’s claim was an example of rationalist vs empiricist argument and was likely speaking directly to...
I think there is some wisdom in the idea that prices convey real information and therefore can act as a guide to societal needs. However, if these...
Elinor Ostrom is one of my heroes (though I have to confess that I haven’t gotten around to reading this book myself). That’s so cool that your...
It is pretty interesting and certainly not a development that I welcome.