That is a non-sequitur. Strawman. @l_boy didn't claim that banning all gun sales was the sole solution. There is an argument, but it's a bad...
Explain to me how the IRA, signed in August 16, 2022, caused inflation to get worse. Feel free to reference the chart below in your explanation....
The Democrats have not had a majority in SCOTUS since 1969. Three of the most influential SCOTUS decisions on the 2A have come since then....
You would be hard pressed to claim that "thoughts and prayers, shithole country, see you next mass murder" are dishonest commentaries.
If your goal is to kill more people, in a shorter time from a greater distance, the assault rifle is the way to go. Remove the assault rifles...
He did not claim the limits stop at grenade launchers. It is a strawman fallacy to misrepresent or exaggerate someone else's argument in order to...
Is that rhetorical or do you really not know how to have an honest dialog with a person with a differing viewpoint? The latter may explain much....
NYC implemented some of the harsher gun control laws and have seen a drop in gun violence. While the correlation/causality dilemma is in play,...
It's sweeping generalization to assume that all "lefties" (ad hominem!) don't care abut the constitution. It is also a hasty generalization to...
Another emotionally charged comment that adds nothing to the conversation. It's a hasty generalization to assume that all "gun grabbers" (ad...
Fallacy of oversimplification. You are completely absolving guns from any responsibility in our gun violence challenges without an argument or...
The first link was legislation. Here's the bill signed into law:...
Sigh... strawman. Nobody you quoted said they want to take your guns. Also a false dilemma. There are compromises available that involve taking...
Forgive me if already mentioned: "President Biden on Saturday signed into law the first major gun safety legislation passed by Congress in nearly...
Since you have posted on other threads since I asked you to elaborate on your meaning, I am going to assume you are way too busy to clarify on the...
I don't understand. Please explain what you mean.
Okay... to summarize. You think that if a person is properly diagnosed with a medical condition and there's a treatment that improves quality of...
Such intolerance for that which you don't understand. Here is a link that may educate you. Gender dysphoria Information | Mount Sinai - New...
You're going to form a broad conclusion about a whole group on the opinions of just one member? I find that deplorable and unjustified. Defend...
Let's hope he doesn't spin too many cycles trying to get the bottom of things.