Equivocation. Sad.
a. dead people can't vote, regardless of political affiliations. b. the number of votes submitted on behalf of the recently deceased is mice nuts...
Only in the minds of those with no self respect for themselves or those he's interacting with. What gall in reducing a nuanced, complex issue to...
silly and unproductive.
Think about your state of mind when you have to resort to this sort of false dilemma. Do you think this is actually productive or are just trying...
Bingo! That is it. Thanks.
Indeed. The Florida economy missed out on a permanent, 1 billion dollar complex because of their choice in governor. Huzzah!
It should be his signature!
Nothing quite like potentially terrorizing children to protest gun control. I'm not sure of the merits of this particular demonstration given one...
I have to say, the lengths some posters are going to polish the turd that is economic flight is humorous. Yet another example of how partisan...
Also, about 7% of US adults identify as gay, according to Gallup. That is quite a few people to pretend don't exist.
Methinks that somewhere there is a self righteous MAGA person aroused at the pain this scenario causes.
So what do you think the "lesson" was? Please enlighten us.
Oh come on. He didn't "admit" that in any way. He didn't mention conservatives making jokes or only "liberal blacks" giving a pass. You put...
Agreed. This sure is a lot of hoopla for a movie commonly recommended for children 5+ being shown to 11 year olds. How is having a gay...
It is baffling that you would reach that conclusion to his comment. That makes no sense. Please elaborate.
By the thread title, I thought this was going to be about a poster on the covid thread. After watching the video, I feel confident to expanding...
I think parents that want to deny access to books that don't conform to their world view are suspect parents. By doing so, they are abdicating...
@gator_lawyer, good luck.