"Futurerama predicted crack would be dispensed by vending machines, just like what's not happening in NYC". I fail to see the humor. I do see...
I agree with him. You are standing in ranks with the deplorables with comments like that. Maybe you always have.
NYC is not dispensing crack. Cmon.
Common sense is lost on her.
Prosecutors seeking Trump indictment on obstruction and Espionage Act charges
I'm still waiting for Rick's response on the source of outrage, but I suspect this policy violates well established far right wing philosophy that...
Can you explain your outrage here? Please frame it relative to the stated goals and benefits of the program.
ROTFL! That's rich coming from you. However, it's nice to get you on record about ad hominem. :p
Speaking of addicts, the outrage media complex sure has its hooks into many of our cohorts here.
If, indeed, the issue is that "Texas bans students from interacting with elected officials." for school assignments, then yes... it stifles free...
I have the fundamental right to communicate with my representative, irrespective of whether my intention is to offer praise or express criticism....
Motivation for free speech doesn't limit free speech.
"Tax cuts or other economic benefits primarily targeted at the wealthy or large corporations will automatically result in widespread economic...
"Woke sportswriter demands Blue Jays cut player with different political opinions than him. So predictable." -- Clay Travis on a columnist opining...
"I will make America great again" -- reality TV celebrity
43 for me, although I don't even recognize some of the handles anymore (e.g. ufgator121222?)
"Increased carbon dioxide is actually good because it benefits plants." -- your friendly fossil fuel lobbyist
I think of this topic often when browsing this forum and reading the ravings of our resident conspiracy theorists. The news here is that those...
Why is public education problematic? Is it for other countries too?