That's cute. Well, not really but I was being charitable for the holidays. Ya, I don't think Biden did those things. But the guy you voted for...
Stop lying. The debt is 9 trillion higher, and that includes interest payments and the 2021 Trump budget deficit. The 2021 budget of course was...
This. They've broken the social compact we have of generally trying to respect, and tell, the truth. Probably because they ve accepted that, and...
True enough. But I didn't cast a vote for a vile, un-American criminal who organized a violent riot, as part of a criminal conspiracy to overturn...
To be honest, given that she was committing the CRIME of trespassing in a situation were hundreds of police were being violently assaulted, and...
And would you schedule a rally, with a good idea it would turn violent, on election certification day for an election you had already LOST, and...
Thanks, I guess. And I'll give you one thing; you are tremendously talented at looking the facts straight in the eye and seeing something totally...
Nope. I see no difference at all. You cast a vote for the guy who publicly called them "hostages", and who has promised to pardon them. That...
(Probable) Criminals, who needed to face legal consequences. What did you call the rioters incited by Trump? You called them hostages. What did...
Commuting the sentence to life in prison - why he practically freed them! How would you feel if your relative was a law enforcement officer who...
Look, here's Trump watching the J6 riots with his family.......without doing anything to try to stop them. What a patriot! [ATTACH]
Lol, BLM riots. Trumpies always bring up BLM protests as if to justify the fact that they voted for a traitor who incited an attack on the...
Not even MAGA believes that, well, anyone, lies like Donald "the Liar" Trump. Also; they're eating the dogs. They even admit to being liars and...
And net revenue went down. And the deficit went up. When the Trump-championed Tax Cuts and Jobs Act went into effect in 2018, economists saw...
They must just get tired of people who constantly lie, and want to see people who lie less elected. Also; Fox settles Dominion lawsuit for...
Yeah, they really looked under control. Edit; it's fun to watch how the Trumpies lie to themselves. But it's more fun how they try to lie to the...
Except they're most likely not hypocrites. Because they're right. Of course, you're speaking in generalities, so it's difficult to specifically...
It's weird that people are actually even arguing with this poster. We know the drill perfectly well by now; - crimes by Trump are totally OK -...
And yet they're still incredibly better than numerous right-wing sites that paid major settlements for knowingly publishing lies. Missed your...
Who stole an election? When?