I like good food. Not being able to eat something will not make my life miserable though. What will make my life miserable is if I couldn't get...
Good question. People go vegan for many reasons. Personal health, animal welfare, health of the planet..... I guess it would depend on why the...
Little concerned about the types of books you like. Does confirm a couple of things though.
Desantis seems like an idiot. Also seems to be big on govt interference and fear mongering.
Tuberville is an idiot, but he even realizes the rebuttal was a goat rope. Unlike Britt, TT actually taking a bit of ownership. Tuberville says...
It's amazing people believe that.
Not housing prices. I think I know where we want to live but not positive. Mostly moving because it is much easier to travel for extended periods....
No, not really. My friend and people like him are a huge part of the problem we now see in today's politics. The thought the other side can...
After we sell, that's all we are doing is renting. Too much travel and poss a dabble into expat life to own.
I served with a guy that swore he got crushed in the stock market when Obama was president. I guess it was possible but you had to be an idiot.
We are downsizing and moving in the next year (both boys in college). Houses are going for crazing prices in my hood/school district. Been a...
I feel good about the current economy but I am guessing some people are feeling the pain of higher prices. It helps that we don't buy a lot of...
I don't get the point of this thread. So our border policy is working? I personally think it needs work but I am happy you are supporting...
On these forums and in the maga world, if you don't support the orange one, you must be a libbie. They aren't known for their ability to reason....
As long as you use the right caliber. I got away from 223 (but still use AR) about 10 years ago. It did OK a lot of the times but had too many...
Where at?
We trap and shoot but they still always return. Trapping is good, but I'm more effective hunting (at night with thermal).
I worked that senate election as a poll worker. Some of the Trump idiots that came out were embarrassingly stupid and confrontational. I decided...
Did the military support Trump? Most of the polls just prior to the election in 2020 by military.com showed he was not getting the majority of...
I guess it's good he was acquitted, do you really want to head to prison known as Bubba the love sponge?