good? bad? don't leave us hanging
I’m officially disturbed.
It was nice while we had it... watching Rick Mahler pitch and Murph hit it over right-center. Heck, TBS even played Blazing Saddles.
As a kid, my parents cutoff cable. The only channels we got with rabbit ears were PBS and ABC. Needless to say, Labor Day sucked at my house!
For some reason, I get the feeling Stump Sidewinder is laughing his butt off at this thread!
@Bazza posted an encouraging post... I trust @Bazza. Nuff said
Hmmm, parachuted over NC maybe?
If at the introductory PC, Spotted Seatrout somehow referenced @tilly ... yeah, that would be like, so cool
Snot Stiltskin’s a sharp one I tell ya
Yeah, about that.... I was kind of wrong....
gag order, want to keep the confidence of the administration
do we have an update on the plane in NJ?
me too
yep. still exciting
Actually, it's pointed right at RYE, NY!!!!!!!!!! Even better!!! (but I don't know nearby airports in the area)
Guys, that plane's not going to Teterboro. It's pointed very much in the vicinity of Bristol.
Would gatorsports willingly play the smokescreen role, or are they that out of touch (assuming they are incorrect)?
I believe someone indicated it was from St. Louis.