His wheel may still be in the dungeons of the swamp somewhere. Just find it and you won’t even have to give the dazzler any money. He might do...
Yep, so did TAMU with Jimbo except Riley’s contract is even more insane. Neither producing a championship product though. Simply spending a shit...
Didn’t he get USC to buy him that house, and buy his house(s?) in Oklahoma above market value too? As well as unlimited access to a private jet?...
Union I could see happening. Draft, no way, not unless a new league is formed with a whole lot less teams.
It’s free if you already pay for sec network.
Yea, not many coaches agree to any type of “punishment”. NCAA infractions could certainly justify cause, and at least give the school some...
This one is on both. To watch on the espn+ feed, you have to have the separate espn+ subscription and be logged in that way. To watch the SEC+...
Okay. It’s pretty much wide open for staff size though. I don’t think there’s a rule that prevents this.
What rule would prevent it?
Not sure about that. More kids these days should be told the hard truths. Maybe then EVERYONE and their cousin wouldn’t be “suffering” from...
I don’t think you’re even remotely close to half way there, but by all means, do it. What are you waiting for?
How do you look in a dress?
He was a dick before that. Still a dick after. Lol
I just hope we’re not shopping in the retirement home. I’ll try my best to support them either way though.
Thank the shift. It’s honestly amazing how many singles he still got.
They were offering him more money before he signed with us, and you can rest assured that hasn't stopped. If you want to apply your soccer rules...
The court system played it's role as well. The market was always there, and honestly a lot of this stuff has been happening for a long, long...
I don't make tv deals. I didn't structure how players are assigned to their teams. I won't have anything to do with the way either are...
You barked at me, I was talking to someone else. I'm not threatened. I just really don't care what you watch, or how tv deals are structured...