Now we’re circulating nole “influencers” here? Lol, good lord.
KY thinks they got hosed by the officials every time they lose.
Do you think getting passed on the depth chart makes this kids behavior acceptable?
The breeder had the “my kid kicked your honor student’s ass” sticker.
It’s not that funny anymore. :(
Before or after he started ignoring his obligations?
In theory, creating a pocket and having a pocket qb should be easier for the line. Mobile qb’s have a tendency to run outside their line at the...
I said a dozen, not dozens.
Throughout history, we’ve had the luxury of playing second and third stringers by the beginning of the second half in these types of games. We’ve...
Don’t even know why we’re entertaining this conversation. I don’t think Leach will be part of any coaching searches moving forward.
Was he even getting processed out? It sounded like they’d offered him a pretty considerable amount of help. He chose to completely ignore his...
He’s definitely not 100% confident yet. He hesitated on several throws where he was staring down (even pump faked) the open guy. If he starts...
I think the UAA can figure out how to hire an ad and a coach. They’re the ones that fund these roles anyway. I agree with you that not having...
That how it’s always been? Knew they weren’t published, but thought you could walk in. The gates were open during their practices when I was...
I saw two little girls, one wearing Samford and one wearing UF gear. They had a house divided sign too. Guessing mommy and daddy went to Samford...
There definitely wasn’t 90k there, but it was pretty full. No huge open areas until the 3rd quarter ended, but there was room to move around the...
Hopefully Mia can find some consistency with her bat this year. We know she’s got pop. She doesn’t have to have the highest ba on the team, but...
Too late for today, but yes, you can run the espn+ app on more than one display with the same login. There is a limit, but I think I know you can...
I don’t make the call, just said I could personally go either way with that decision.