^ Good job, LEOs in Wisc. I'd be interested to know the economic impact of having to "defend" or ensure enough LEO assets are on standby for...
Hilarious. We've got another "Name one Trump comment that's racist!!!! (And then when you do, I'll just scurry away like a rodent in the...
We're talking past each other, I think. He's on record (with NYT) saying he knew it's devastating potential. And he chose to lie about the...
It was. But I'm asserting that Trump himself had a meaningful impact on the job losses from 2020 and 2021. For you to use Jan '20 as a baseline...
You're also assuming that Trump's policy on covid - of repeatedly lying that it would go away, so as to not jeopardize his election chances - had...
You have to admit that it's strange how you want to; 1) credit Trump with all this amazing job growth over a 3 year period....but ignore the...
I modified your post to reflect what you should have written, given who was in charge at the time. I'm sure you're a big accountability guy,...
This. I remember when Obama charged him with Illegal Escalatoring.* *The charges were coordinated with the Biden White Hosue. Why do you...
Is this from Jabberwocky? Tienes evidencia, senor? Or are you just saying meaningless things ?
I don't think the casual viewer will realize how truly awesome this hodge-podge post of grievances, falsehoods and projection is. Biden...
I seem to have followed you saying this! :) ..... men are encouraged to be women and visa versa..... Libbies are mostly trying to kill off...
??? It seems perfectly clear: many will laugh at your well deserved mockery, and you will give my posts a great many drive-by negative ratings....
Can you imagine typing this drivel on a public message board? First libbies will assign you the proper gender! Then they will kill you off!
Your hero.
^ Also plans to vote for a rapist...
8 posts in a row, most of them memes. Maybe time to take a break from spreading your racist theories, before your head explodes?
Is posting 5 times in a row to spread covid misinformation part of the criteria on the thread "Are you caught in high conflict?" Asking for a...
PLEASE let him get incarcerated over the restraining order.
Just LOL. I, for one, am PISSED that Biden shut down the economy in 2020! (do these people type this stuff with a straight face?)
We are TOTALLY infuriated that President Fauci didn't exercise his powers to curb this damage as it was happening!