If I may assist, [img]
Yeah, the new Prez is from Nebraska. What could go wrong with that?
At the major college level. He was a very nice receiver. The DBs in the NFL are way better than he competed against.
I come for the fellowship. I like that there are folks whose "curmudgeon gene" is stronger than mine. Thanks for taking the load off me!
Deion says that the main reason FSU was not considered by the committee is because, as good of a record as they had, Norvell did not wear the...
If he were the missing piece to a fine D then I would agree. As of now, more than one body feels more important. All that is happening is setting...
IMO, part of me says there was some "gotcha" plays, a la Grantham, in play as a "hybrid", also known as a "tweener". The other is they told him he...
The real question is, and it should have been this way from the beginning, why isn't the NFL dinging players who decide to throw petulant fits...
I am a retired engineer. I don't mind the math exercises here. Now the English comprehension tests?:eek:
That is correct, but it is also on Stricklin and the brain trust. You have to realize the scope and enormity of the job and what are both his...
That is the hope. It is just that he did this at USC and LSU. It feels kind of cautionary.
It will take a culmination of Stricklin (his job is on the line also) and some benefactors known as the brain trust. I think Mike White was told...
SIAP... I take delicious joy in both them and UGa getting the shaft. And I go with UGa got it more than FSU. But to the OP: what I wanted every...
And as I posted regarding losing both Raymond and Spencer, I thought maybe one of the problems is older coaches not respecting the young upstart...
Don't worry, there ARE solutions... [MEDIA]
I will go to my pat answer: You don't "shoot" free throws, you "execute" them. It is plainly obvious that basketball players think it is the same...
That was Korn-y. And yes, my kind of reply.
Methinks he will be the selection, or none at all. If Jeff Scott has not been announced by now, that door has closed.
Really nice piece in an obviously crappy talent team. Mertz liked him, until he got stuck on Tre. Glad he did not get hurt this year. I think he...