You’re a lock-step Republican so I really doubt this is true. 50% of the population most certainly does not agree with your viewpoint on a...
@l_boy You were pretty front and center critical of Biden based on this report. What is your current stance?
This is not at all frightening. Passenger on Boeing flight that suddenly dropped says pilot told him he lost control after instrument failure | CNN
As I said on the insider board, if black athletes do heed the NAACP’s guidance DeSantis will surely count that as a win.
OP acts like 1) you can’t walk anywhere in Seattle without seeing this (not even close to being true), and 2) that Seattle residents support this...
Lovely. And imagine what China could do if it turned to war-time manufacturing.
This is correct. He even ends that clip saying “under Donald Trump.”
I have a different take on the situation: Over production for anticipated demand is different than EVs failing. EVs still increased sales YOY by...
This is not a criticism directed at you but I’ve seen this sentiment across the media and in certain circles and I’m not sure where this narrative...
Literally only .08% of estates pay inheritance tax currently and that’s at an effective rate of 20%. Your umbrage doesn’t match the reality of the...
I don’t agree with keeping it where it is. Currently .08% of estates are subject to the estate tax and at an effective rate around 20%. That’s too...
In the US we typically tax transactions, not wealth. If they’re going after the wealth of the rich it should be on the inheritance side of things...
Interestingly one of the first ever convictions of a doctor for intentionally maiming and killing patients was achieved by a Gator alum and it’s...
There’s also the United Boeing plane that dropped a tire on an employee parking lot at SFO - seems like a maintenance issue.
I didn’t say there was a perfect or even good measure. I'm merely stating it’s terribly unreliable statistic to use. When the complaint is against...
Surely you see the problem with using sustained complaints as a way to define what constitutes a bad officer. Who decides whether a complaint is...
My only gasoline consumption comes from retail now. Things like the Amazon van delivering my latest unnecessary purchase.
You summarily discarded basically every meaningful statistic on crime in the country going back decades because you don’t like the results....
Yeah, a bit of overkill. Honestly, I think it was easiest “tool” the governor could bring to bear. Also brought in state troopers but they’re...
The situations are so much more nuanced than your trite take on them if you’re actually intellectually curious and not simply being a belligerent...