What, precisely, did you think you were going to get parroting the takes of unqualified conspiracy theorists? Claiming you’ve “done your research”...
Doubling down on something Andrew Tate endorses. Best of luck on that. [IMG]
Yeah, I frequently see the Rivian delivery van on my street but it’s like one of three Amazon vans that comes down the street daily.
That might be the dumbest crap I’ve read in a while which says a lot since I have to suffer through Rick’s and flgator’s inanity.
I don’t know anything about that. Is that actually happening or just a proposed solution? It seems to me that it’s treating the symptoms instead...
You could see vehicle traffic stop immediately before impact. The only people left on the bridge was a road maintenance crew.
I have no major problem with cloud seeding based on what we know. They use silver iodide, a naturally occurring compound, and has no known harmful...
I would do it in age tranches since the closer you are to retirement the more you have relied on benefits being available at a certain date. But I...
Remind me, who appointed these supposedly “establishment” officials in his administration?
While I’m thinking about it, can someone remind me the last time a dozen + of a former President’s officials have come out to say they wouldn’t...
I’d rather raise the retirement ago. I have no desire to pay in even more with literally no return on my taxes paid.
“Turbo cancer” used to attack Covid-19 vaccines is largely based on a study from 1990-2019. Conspiracy theorists are going to do their thing and...
Duggers has yet to school anyone. The only effective thing he’s done is clown himself.
Rick is the perfect mark for a conman like Edward Dowd peddling conspiracy theories. Then there’s the garbage websites he’s using to “inform”...
We have literally never produced more oil than we are right now.
I honestly don’t remember as I didn’t lead point on shutting it down but I don’t think so. We didn’t have much money tied up in country (didn’t...
My company left Russia in 2022. Laid off our workers (provided a severance) and stopped selling into the country. Fortunately it wasn’t a major...
I always thought it was more that California doesn’t want to leave it to other states to decide minimum competence. That’s one reason they have a...
I’m sorry but this is just wrong. I work for a company in the home building industry that directly supports new home builds. I’d go so far as to...
I am going to quibble here as I think you are really speaking to efficacy. I don’t agree the bar exam is open to gaming. It’s an open and...