And you are failing life sir. I could share 1000's of videos (like the one above) with you that any sane person would find disturbing. It's...
and you are delusional at best. [MEDIA]
Wray is a scumbag. His day is coming.
Quite a remarkable development. Dr. Luft was the one who contacted the FBI/DOJ (March of 2019) with the information. Now Dr. Luft is the target...
A female that wants to be a male & have a baby should also be nowhere near children. It's not hateful. It is common sense, which many here do...
If they were to get involved, they (CDC) should share the science that dudes cannot have babies nor breastfeed. These people should not be...
Let's not confuse ourselves. The center declared that “Transgender and nonbinary-gendered individuals may give birth and breastfeed or feed at...
The CDC is fascinated. CDC advises trans people 'chestfeeding' kids, accused of neglecting health risks
"DC Bar" are the critical two words here. The most corrupt bar in the country. The frivolous and destructive efforts were made by the Dems...
If you can sneak cocaine into Whitehouse, you can sneak anthrax. 12ft |
or that they have a large wall around their property with body guards
or that no one could get coke past security check points other than a family member who gets to skip all those check points.
yah flags are dangerous. the pubs are nothing but flag groomers.
It's not the will of the people. It's almost as ridiculous as Biden embracing plan to block the sun or children having sex changes. These crazy...
Biden had more people in circles at his rally.
Agree other than human trafficking. It is one thing that you cannot throw enough money and time at. Yes, DeSantis has done little to nothing...
It's not a story without documents.
Oh how the lawfare continues. The Obama/Holder judge leaks audio to CNN. Audio that is not accompanied by documents. You have to have...
Great point. You are good at this.
He is cognitively impaired and looks like he craps his pants daily. That's just the truth and by no means hits on others with health issues. So,...