So… Some added depth, at the very least.
i don’t know what the right formula or balance is between portal and high school talent. But not many people will argue that you need the players....
i love when memphis loses
yeah… I didn’t get to watch most of that one. I don’t think we scored a bunch, but few do.
I gotcha. I’m using “transfer portal “as a general term for the whole transfer phenomenon. I’m not specifically referring to the mechanism in...
I reread what you wrote. I think I must’ve initially stopped too early and responded. The portion I highlighted does not seem to be in keeping...
It had far greater impact than simply streamlining a process. The removal of the sit out year resulted in kids making the decision to transfer...
Of course there are programs with not only a reasonable perception of advantages in recruiting, but tangible ones…. Coach, playing style, program...
Ok- so we agree the portal allows for the opportunity to succeed sooner; and thus quickened expectations. As to wether or not those expectations...
Yeah… and in fairness, this isn’t a Golden issue. It is the reality of college basketball. If coach goes the route of building his program with...
Yes- of course there are winnners and losers in the portal battles; as there are in recruiting. But if you expect your coach to be a success in...
I’d modify this to: Players gotta play better; coaches gotta coach better.
“I don't see any other reason to participate in it. Just wait, and the players will be legit employees soon enough. The schools should be the ones...
what type obligations?
Of course a coach has to compete. Prior to the portal, coaches competed almost exclusively on the recruiting trail. That competition didn’t...
How would it give some control back?
Prior to the portal, was it possible to overhaul a roster…. in one off season… with veteran players?
I have news for you… the schools paying players will do absolutely nothing about NIL. Schools will not be able to say, “we are paying you a...
i guess you can parse it out any number of ways, but I’ve been witness to his entire tenure… and covered the team and conference before Dusty...