Well, he does say awful things about the LGBT folks - called them filth so, of course, he’s gets a lot of votes that way and add in the neo-Nazis,...
Absolutely correct. And If the grant is federal as most large ones are then UF gets a huge cut (50% iirc) right off the top. That’s why the...
In Jake Broe’s video he mentions that the Chechens and conscripts taken prisoner by Ukraine in this incursion were of more value to Russia than...
Trump gonna cut the cost of energy and electricity in half. At least. Book it. [MEDIA]
Price controls? No bueno. But she doesn't seem to be planning that.
I enjoyed these Olympics as much or more as any i have watched. Was inspiring to see athletes from a country that had never won anything compete...
No, no, Nope And you’re oh so fricken wrong. PS: I don’t have people
Because the ad by Marsha Blackburn was about Riley Gaines vs Lia Thomas. Many posters have been using it as a parallel example. Seems right on...
Marsha Blackburn of Tenn. is using Thomas and Riley Gaines in political ads as she runs for re-election in Nov. The ad's tag line: Marsha...
and realizing there are people so famous they only have 1 name but you never heard of them (and it doesn't bother you).
It has been in my life. My parents came from meager backgrounds - my mom - an orphan went to college from money received after her brother died on...
Really enjoyed this documentary. I was left with a profound sense of gratitude. Thanks s as gain for the post.
Yep. There Zero sports scholarships and zero sports* prior to the overhaul of New College. They seized on baseball and baseball scholarships as a...
The IOC has its standard for establishing gender and that seems to be what is stated on the passport which reflects the birth certificate and...
When i was taking Embryology and Developmental Bio way back in the mid-70s an XYY was referred to as supermale - a name since fallen into...
A majority of the country will vote this fall to provide trump with much more time for golf and tweeting and cheating lord willing.
The day our collective heads explode? I am reminded of someone’s observation that to anticipate the decision of any large organization you must...
Ukraine’s objective since day 1 has been for Russia to pack up, go home, and leave them alone. Playing defense for 2.5 years has made the cost to...
Thanks for the link. This kind of subject matter always interests me. Will definitely watch it.
Now this, from trump’s spokesman is chuckle-worthy: These documents were obtained illegally from foreign sourceshostile to the United...