If this were possible i could rule the world.
Drone intercepted by fuel storage tank. Hope this is significant. Every wound helps. [MEDIA]
The one i walked in in my dinky town was very peaceful, was organized by HS students who distributed water and cleaned up after. The sheriff was...
I think trump was scrambling verbally to fluff up Miriam Adelson, who is worth billions, to ensure the money keeps flowing. In doing so, he tried...
Yeah, i had tickets to see Carlos Santana that weekend - in Tampa - had forgotten about the convention until i tried to make hotel reservations...
Boom. Second bridge in Kursk falls down. [MEDIA]
Wow. This is astonishing - that 1960s Georgia was far ahead of 2020s Florida. Wouldn’t have thunk it so.
Southern is now a race?
I read Black Like Me when i was a middle schooler. Provoked some early onset empathy in me.
Putin has hired his neice as Deputy Defense Minister. In my view this means he realizes things have turned for the worse in the war, that he is...
In recent years, AP3 members have been debating, with ever more intensity, whether they should engage in mass-scale political violence. Some...
Well yes. The article does have a lot of physical evidence and interviews with the group’s principals and members. It seems to me to be well...
I would expect no more.
Pro-Publica with excellent investigative reporting on a large organized and heavily armed militia. A good many members are law enforcement or...
https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/16/politics/fact-check-trump-walz-minnesota-schools-tampons/index.html A variety of Minnesota public school districts...
Got into the phone. The WhatsApp or whatever not so much. As Garland stated some of the wait is for legal process. Wray said that insome cases,...
But they did. Local FBI couldn’t do it but HQ forensics did The FBI got into the Trump rally shooter’s phone in just 40 minutes The FBI used an...
Boom! [MEDIA]
Plus the 2024 Republican primary debates where he was a serial no-show. Refused 5 of them
He also called the victims of a school shooting Prosti-tots and said America was better off before women could vote. Hell-ova-guy