Hard to imagine the bar of decency being lowered any further although with 74 days left there will be attempts.
Thanks! although barely
Yeah well, the scrub jays need to get with fund raising and donations to Rhonda. That’s how its done in the (not so) free state of Florida. Pay up
He can think whatever he wants but neither party would allow someone with his beliefs to lead them
The REALITY is that she had an affair with a political figure who had been separated from his wife for 10 years. The affair ended in 1995 and if...
Not a belief but reality. Do you not “believe” the price of a commodity fluxes with demand? That’s basic economics and capitalism - not a belief....
Inflation caused by pent up demand caused by the pandemic and at least some by the stimulus checks we all got Republicans at trump’s urging...
Too soon. too soon
Hunter Biden? :emoji_hushed: Sorry, I apologize unreservedly
That was a touching moment
Oh yeah, when I hosted consultants I had to buy the coffee, snacks, and sandwiches with my own damn money while we worked on a project for FLDOT -...
DNC wins with this: Neil Young - Keep on rockin in the free world. I mean c'mon man not even close anymore
Good post. This caused me to change my affiliation and registration (NPA). Could not have anyone think I supported this bullshit.
Corruption rules and it’s obvious
There is much honor and integrity in rejecting trump. The reasons are well explained upthread.
I'm going to assume that it is a poke at Dems who have stated that IDs are/can be hard to come by for minorities - disadvantaged people. That can...
Buffet’s assessment that a significant (40%) correction is due bothers me. Vast majority of what we have is in the market. Buffet’s sell off of...
I have a lot of respect for Raskin
Well now, [MEDIA]
Not troubles for trump but i found it interesting that Fred Trump had been immortalized in song by Woody Guthrie. [MEDIA] ……………….. I suppose...