wow, a biden portrait...
Auto workers want a four-day workweek ok joe, you sold your soul for their vote, how is this going to play out to the average american, work 32...
inept joe's problems are his own
lock him up, lock him up!!!!!!!!!
wow, long time no hear from, too bad she surfaced.
just ask al capone about the IRS....
always think of " trying to reason with hurricane season" this time of year.
no, he is at 1600 pennsylvania avenue
it has to do with your post saying comedians have a axe to grind with liberals, it cuts both ways, late night talk show hosts have a axe to grind...
have you watched any of the late night, anti-republican talk shows?fallon, kimmel,etc are all anti republican yet i am sure that is ok with you.
yeah, i am tired of all the contrived games. remember the college football game at wrigley field where both teams had to go the same way because...
problem with the gainesville sun is they go to print early, nothing stsarting after about 7pm is even in it until at least 2 days later, have not...
try not giving zuckenberg money
The companies get richer
Fact check: Biden tells three false personal anecdotes in economic speech man just cannot help himself, what a utter buffon.
and here i thought we were getting a pitcher, silly me