say the board of directors would be my guess
is there a reason someone in california cannot leave if it is too expensive?yes people should be mad about executive pay, but they should voice...
so what do you think employees in say iowa will think about california getting 20.00 a hour and they get 15.00?
FWIW i am on record as saying we, postal workers, are overpayed compared to police, firefighters, emt's, teachers.and yes i am in our union,...
yet we are told we need immigrants to do the work that people here do not want to do, yet they think they are more valuable than they are, beneath...
where do you find affordable food at a grocery store, not in gainesville.
good question
it is the chicken or the egg problem. pay more to workers, raise prices to cover, lose customers because of higher prices, let employees go to...
part of the problem, imo, post covid is that people have been told that despite their lack of skills they are worth more than they are, thus they...
20.00 a hour times 40 hours a week times 4.5 weeks a month equals 3600.00 a at a .75% take home that is about 2700.00 a month. now add...
maybe california should focus more on reducing power costs, reducing home buying and rental costs,reduce auto prices, but of course those...
again, since when has working at a fast food job been a financially life altering job?
then stop going
do you think standing at a cash register and asking for your order is worth 20.00 an hour, and more each year with increases?
taking 20.00 per hour in context, this is over 2.00 an hour more than the striking auto workers say entry level employees make, doing alot more...
‘A devastating financial blow’: McDonald’s franchisee group slams California’s ‘draconian’ fast food bill — here's why they say it'll cost small...
does, or is, parker going to run this year, and have any of the transfers ran yet? really good top 10 or so chance.
Given time to work on this,not getting thrown into the fire I think she will be better than some think,imo.
When pigs fly
biden will not dare criticize these demands for fear of losing their support, another screw the average american by the pro-union democrats.