It makes perfect sense. I can't deconstruct this. It is a statement of logic. Biden has made unabashedly racist statements in the past and...
Then you are admitting that it's political and not racial if it depends which white guy said it.
Just think of the gun deaths as previously thwarted abortions fleeing justice and everything will be fine as split frogs' hair.
Rules are rules. Zero tolerance suddenly sucks when it bites back, doesn't it? I hardly see the big deal, seeing as how the evil dragon was slain.
Well, Biden has pretty much defined White Nationalists as domestic terrorists. He also said if you didn't vote for him, you ain't black, which...
Disagree. If I had one black friend, I'd have more black friends than white friends. Everyone's situation is different.
You forgot the question.
Being an American means first and foremost that Uncle Sam will take from the fruits of your labors. It need not carry one's lofty ideals of what...
My question to the room: can you A) Be white B) Vote Republican and C) Believe racism is a two-way street without being considered a White...
He already knows she's a screamer.
More likely Kat Cammack.
He believes in warning shots.
Maybe the tattoo says "Lauren" and it's how he tells women that he's married and unavailable.
The Paul Pelosi attack was a sick city's problems coming home to roost.
Great, now liberals will demand banning of bats and conservatives will want the case thrown out because there was too much pine tar on the bat.
Good roll call post.
Why should people have to wait for someone threatening them to injure or kill them to defend themselves? There was no doctor standing by with...
They also succeed so much with women that enlightened self-interest is a non-factor in their behavior, provided they have enough money to...
It so happens I am in precisely my own lane on this one, and I've been in it for 40 years.
Then why don't you regale us with some insight and add to the conversation instead of casting insults from your lofty perch? If your second...