If there is one image of the good old days I miss, it's Reidel Anthony ripping off his helmet and "blowing away" Bama players with an air shotgun...
Might as well enlarge seats and reduce capacity, 'cause interest will never again be what it was a generation ago and people are going to keep...
These are too accurate to be called caricatures.
Just call him Josh Hollis accidentally on purpose.
That's up to the reader.
Five, definitely.
It'll be terrible, vile, shocking, and disgusting until they make a movie about him. Then it'll just be a bunch of conspiracy nonsense that...
It probably states in the contract that they can kill you when it's time to raise their prices again.
So who's playing Barbie's dickless boyfriend?
As responsible tyrants, they're setting a good example.
More like governments deliberately released a weak pathogen and willfully overreacted to it. It was a command and control exercise.
Is Jerry Brown still alive? It might not be too late for him. 81 million marking their ballots with Brown!
It's obviously a white supremacist, too.
Too bad political parties didn't die with them.
I wonder if James Naismith had a similar previous experience.
His name is on the tip of my tongue.
Oh! The humanity! Our democracy! Maybe if it's a little harder to earn a useless degree, society will be forced to re-adapt to the idea that a...
Hell is the same deal in coach.
Sometimes it comes from someone with a nuanced sense of humor. Sometimes it comes from a one trick pony. This is one of those times it isn't...
Take the phenomenon of spontaneous human combustion and put it in that crucible of oxygen, pressure, and heat, even for a nanosecond, and strange...