That ship has sailed. There will never be a serious attempt to address this issue on a national level. Part of modern life in America: shootings....
Paul can slobber all over DeBoer on his next show, and he will.
All that hardware in Foxborough won't win him a single game in Chapel Hill.
The slippery slope continues. This will become standard practice for every future departing administration.
Did Finebaum's forked tongue flit in and out?
So he got waxed by Miami and aTm on purpose to lower our expectations? The positive mojo also goes to the unmistakable improvement on how the...
bread and circuses, or in our case big screen tv's, lifted trucks, sports, social media. Let them eat cake will catch up if trends continue though.
only the best people
If the perp is caught it will be interesting to see if a jury will convict him. Granted, gunning someone down like that should get you life in...
Considering where things were after getting blown out at home by aTm, a top ten class and the positive mojo is a nice recovery.
yep, would like to avoid a scenario where half the team opts out, the other half doesn't want to be there and we get run out of the building on...
yep, see the debate regarding bringing wolves back into areas they formerly occupied.
Care to elaborate on the dislike eighesgator? Or just another drive by. Are you suggesting Lagway does not have the" it" factor and that instead...
The latter will get doubled down on after the new admin is sworn in.
Depends if we want a healthcare system or a health profit system like we have now.
Insurance companies SUCK. He'd get more sympathy with a different occupation. That said the perp needs to be brought to justice. Has anyone...
children shouldn't play with dead things
Losing its religion
That swoosh is my point sailing over your ignorant head. How about you stick to topics you actually know something about?
Yep, Maddow is unwatchable as she takes an eternity to get to the point. Joe will never stfu ( why does he even have guests on? he just blathers...