His supporters love it. Think of the ratings!
When you consider one of the core issues that drove the American Revolution was "taxation without representation" this is a problem. Or as Orwell...
So to summarize: investigation is legit if it is anyone maga hates, it is spying if the subject is maga.
That will help stricknine more than we'll ever know.
Recruiting may go well for him when he shows up wearing all those SB rings.
He sold them down the river once, he will do it again.
grab some popcorn and buy stock in geritol
That sucks, but in this era of free agency get used to it.
A bunch of beer stained couches are giving their lives up in flames all across alabamistan.
clock management and not going for two, that's on him
If coach didn't blow the vols game, we'd already have 8 wins and would have gotten a better bowl. I hope that hunger gets translated into a better...
Stupid on his part to keep anything that would tie him to the crime. Big insurance SUCKS, but gunning people down is not the answer.
Anyone but uga. I don't want to see the vols win it either. I'm over the sec sec thing, so.... Go Ducks.
If the EC is such a wonderful idea, how come no one else uses it to elect their leaders? Should have gone to the popular vote a long time ago....
not our circus, not our monkeys
Hopefully Coach Napier learned from that vol game.
It's not even actual food
I wonder if any of them have united healthcare.
Outstanding! Go Gators!
That crappy start with the meat of the schedule coming up, no wonder the knives were out. He coached himself out of a firing. I'd rather he get...