If the perp wants to off themselves, too bad they can't leave everyone else out of it. Go out into the woods and have it at it.
Has about a much of a chance at passing as any attempt to erase the second amendment. iow, ain't gonna happen.
He will skate as usual.
Can you quote when I ever suggested that? Hint: you can't.
Once they have been dehumanized, it is a slippery slope to far worse things.
His homies on the scotus will have his back when the appeal reaches them.
privatized schools and privatized prisons or in some cases the same difference.
It will be a different game in the next few years. As others have stated, either get on board or get left behind. If the NCAA has become obsolete...
a plan like no one has ever seen before. It will be incredible.
Same old talking points that come out every time one of these events happen. I rest my case. See you on the next shooting thread. It is only a...
A nice start but the powers that be will never go for that. The die is cast.
You just made my point for me. Rinse and repeat. We can have this exact same thread after the next one and the one after that.
From a functional perspective, elements are already privatized in the form of companies we pay for text, videochat, email etc. Snail mail has a...
Are these drones producing chemtrails? asking for a friend....
uninsured savings, what could possibly go wrong? If they want to go all retro, why not bring back debtors prisons?
Yep, the cost of doing business. That ship has sailed. We will never do anything serious about this issue. When is the next one?
The talking points are memorized after so many.
just copy and paste the other 1000 threads from the other mass shootings
They can skip a step and send the junk mail straight to the landfill. Transferring it myself from my mailbox to the garbage can has gotten old....
The chances are the Pubs will hold their Senate majority in 2026 and even if they lose it there is virtually no way that 2/3 of the Senate would...