Guilty of pissing off Trump and his supporters. Lock her up!
So 50 different sets of regs? Letting the free market sort it out without any regs at all results in people getting sick and dying from unsafe...
I guess someone wants a bunch of folks to die. Pro life stance?
A similar thing in Nepal, with a 45 minute offset from the adjacent time zone. Weird....
So zero regulation of foods and drugs. What could possibly go wrong? Consequences be damned, there are profits to be made dammit. :rolleyes:
exactly, still crickets as to what she should be charged with.....still no laws on the books about it being a crime to cross dear orange...
That's part of his M.O. If there is too much blowback : " he was just kidding". Bullshit artists are great at that.
Say something nice about New Orleans: The French Quarter Predict the score: Gators 38 Wave 20
They love the immunity granted by the scotus to their orange god for official acts. The same would apply to members of congress maga world is...
On what charges?
Curious as to what laws she broke. I get it that in maga world, crossing Trump is treason... but there aren't laws on the books for that YET.
What are you worried about? Your guy won the popular vote this time.
Yep, these regimes appear entrenched until they suddenly aren't. e.g. the USSR abruptly collapsing in 1990.
yep, instead of 50 separate state elections, a true national election based on popular vote. One person, one vote and none of that " this area...
ah yes, the fee fee, the surcharge, the bs label for sucking more cashish out of you.
so shut them down and lock them up?
The potus elect says or does something, making it newsworthy. Some decide to talk about it and you have a problem with that. Feel free to scroll...
Just what we need: media that is loyal to dear leader at all costs.
Consistent with his rants about the media being the enemy of the people. Any news he does not like or that casts him in an unfavorable light is...
Medvedev will threaten to vaporize London for the 1000th time. Russia will glide bomb more schools and apartment buildings ( as if they aren't...