family values
best part of that list is no miamuh and no ahia state
... and somehow this is different than Texas talking about leaving the union to double down on being red?
Yep, 8 wins as a springboard into next season. Recruit, work the portal and compete for some hardware.
I hope they caught flight 210 back to wherever they came from
Any more whining from them about being left out of the playoff last year? CRICKETS LOL
The crowd in the swamp at next year's game should chant " twoooooooo and tennnnn, twooooooo and tennnnnnn"
The D went from a liability to a strength.
Kudos to Coach Napier for turning the season around. We will never know, but I'd love to see what the current team could do versus Miami and ATM....
f$u delenda est
order has been restored unconquered no more we bowl, they don't
The DOT should build a bypass around tally and call it the 210.....
twoooooooo and tennnnnnnnnnn twooooooo and tennnnnnn
I'll take the W, should have been a wider margin though.
Hell yeah!!!
Barring a self destruction, we gor this!
We can never beat them too many times nor by too many points. Bury the noles!
Beat them in to absolute submission, humiliate them.