Did you even bother to look at the commutation? He was convicted for a 7-year sentence for bribery and Trump commuted it to time served. He had...
That's good!!! You act as if the House speaks with one voice. Must have misted the multiple votes, multiple times to try an elect one.
That's a high bar there. An opinion piece by CNN that says all signs point to and an unnamed source says.....
Oh, I am quite aware of what the feds reported. Chinese spy for a girlfriend and no one has an issue. Ok.
You are funny. I don't believe there is anywhere that allows for Senators to take classified documents home. I don't believe you are correct....
Well Thanks! That is the first admission of any on the prochoice side that there is a moral cost.
Exactly!!! They don't like when we play by their rules!!!
Was that Swalwell's girlfriend?
Oh!!!!! Found a paper trail of loans to the brother with Comer. Any paper trail of Joe's loans to brother other than loan repayment written on check?
I guess it wasn't so private, was it? Yes, I have a problem with a 74-year-old judge posting half naked pictures of himself in a high school...
I really like how all you think ole Joe was so cooperative in giving back his files and did nothing wrong. First, they in his corvette with...
Does have hands though! Oh, and look they almost look like human hands, not a blob of cells. [IMG]
All you all can live in your tiny little echo chamber world, but don't think for one minute this wouldn't be front page news if it was one of the...
Credible. Just full of jokes today
Pence has zero chance of being the nominee. And no one would be concerned if Trump wasn't running for President. That is simply the truth, and you...
No, it is not about getting Trump off, it is about fair treatment. And as for context, didn't hear much about that with Kavanaugh and drinking in...
[IMG] First, I have never heard of this dude, so a North Dakota state rep doesnt carry a much weight. But I get his convictions, but we live in a...
Double standards by the left. Predictable and shameful
I have 1 question and don't need answers but each think about it. If Trump hadn't acted like he was going to run for President again and said he...
Don't know the context of the pictures and don't really care. This was not 5th grade this was 2 years ago. Not when he was drinking in college,...