Not sure who you are talking about. No one I know thought the wall was the end all be all. But it is a step in the direction of reducing illegal...
Whatever........ If it is not perfect then why do anything, is that your point? Would hate to be your kid or spouse trying to live up to those...
What should be disturbing to you and all of us is that we have foreigners that their very first act in this country is breaking the law. What is...
First, I think your premise that most of these folks have walked hundreds if not thousands of miles is somewhat hyperbolic to what most at the...
So if they have paid coyotes, how is their journey to the border so difficult? And many, many videos I have seen the illegals as well as those...
It now is truly a pandemic of the non-mask wearers. I read that many times on this board by many that post here regularly. Another fav was why...
With about 7 or 8 million of them here now conditions should be getting better for them. And why climb the wall? I'm sure there is plenty of...
So, I guess from that logic, because you once stated right wing Christian extremist that anytime you refer to Christians you are referring to...
I do have reading comprehension concerns!!! Could you please point out in this post where you state right wing Christian extremist?
Go back read what I wrote and see there is no comparison. I copied a link where some leftists from TikTok are framing Bin Laden in a way that he...
So misguided...... Some ill-informed preacher on some you tube video certainly depicts what Jesus is about.
This stupid hyperbolic stuff doesn't help!!! But what should we expect from those who only promote their team and won't give any compromise for...
I know, believe you me I know, you are never incorrect. Everything you have ever posted has been 100% spot on. If the rest of us could just rise...
You two are funny!!!! You quote some renounced economists and Iboy quotes, not why they are wrong but maybe their intentions and you follow with a...
Sorry for all if this is a dupe thread! Much like 92, I was unaware that there was a thread started already. I don't sing the song the way "he"...
I don't have an answer!! Part of why I wanted debate. Can we get to a point where we have to be a certain age? Would that be acceptable? Not...
Well, it should bother all of us for exactly the example you used! If we have a percentage of our youth that is gullible enough to eat a friggng...
So, I guess a lot of you don't think this went viral? And you don't think there is support from some of our leftist youth that UBL had a point and...!&&p=cc8e7a3e3d0a9e36JmltdHM9MTcwMDQzODQwMCZpZ3VpZD0xMjdlYzA2My05Y2RjLTY3NjMtM2ExMC1kMTRmOWQ2MjY2ZWImaW5zaWQ9NTIyNQ&ptn=3...
I saw video of that girl that started it. She was definitely not a bot.