2011 The A's send right-hander Gio Gonzalez and pitching prospect Robert Gilliam to the Nationals for southpaw Tommy Milone, catcher Derek...
2007 While visiting his wife's family and scheduled to be the best man at a wedding later in the day, Joe Kennedy awakes and collapses in the...
1971 The Pirates name Bill Virdon, who will guide Pittsburgh to a 96-59 finish and a divisional flag in his managerial debut, to take over for...
This Day in Baseball History November 23rd 1943 Commissioner Landis suspends William Cox indefinitely after the Phillies owner acknowledges...
NOVEMBER 23 BASEBALL BIRTHDAYS **************** 1910 Hal Schumacher pitcher (World Series 1933; MLB All-Star 1933, 35; New York Giants) [ATTACH]...
1960 The American League proposes expanding to nine teams in both circuits with interleague play. If the National League agrees, the Junior...
1954 The Pirates purchase the contract of Roberto Clemente from the Montreal Royals, a Dodger farm club. The outfielder hit only .257 for the...
This Day in Baseball History November 22nd 1890 The American Association expels the Philadelphia Athletics, losers of the last 22 games they...
NOVEMBER 22 BASEBALL BIRTHDAYS **************** 1907 Dick Bartell shortstop (MLB All Star 1933, 37; Philadelphia Phillies, New York Giants...
Tom Seaver was named on 425 out of 430 ballots for the HOF. 3 were blank as a protest against Pete Rose being ineligible, One was from a writer...
Dude releases baby, catches the foul ball, re-secures baby and only spills two drops of his beer. Legend. [MEDIA]
The new "Rat Pack" poses together at the Beverly Hills Friars Club! (November 1964) L-R: Danny Goodman, Stan Musial, Willie Mays, Frank Sinatra,...
After Bob Feller threw a one-hitter against Boston in 1955, he was quoted, "it's gonna be a tough act for the kid to follow," referring to rookie...
19 yr old Rookie Mickey Mantle,during 1951 Yankees Spring Training [IMG]