I am sure I am one of the many suckers on here, but I can only do my best. I’m mostly interested in how can we know when posters are the suckers?...
I would not be surprised if I came to see Maher similarly, but it would not only be because you found it to be obvious. Obviousness to one person...
It would appear that my thesis did not get across. I was not trying to make claims regarding who is right or left. My point was that this is a...
DeSantis signs bill requiring that the evils of communism be taught in schools. This guy is really something else. DeSantis signs bill requiring...
I understand your point. Indeed, Berliner seemed to make the very same ones. I had never heard of Maher before this snafu, but the stuff posted in...
Thanks wgb. If I understand you correctly, you see Berliner’s critique as less of an exercise in truth seeking, and more of an effort to push...
He wrote for another news outlet without securing NPR’s permission. That clearly breaks NPR’s rule. I don’t recall how the Cotton affair went...
This is truly one of the most salient and fascinating of our current political issues, Tampa. Unfortunately, we lack a criterion for truth. When...
I’ve been defending Berliner here, more or less, but he clearly broke an NPR rule and caused a lot of problems for the company in the process....
Thats a tall order, but Cags has been delivering a pretty tall product lately.
Sorry for leaving you hanging on this thoughtful post. I’ve had one of those weeks, culminating in me flying up north for my brothers funeral. I...
Terrible news on Garrison indeed. A positive note, meager as it is, is that Jac’s home run spree now has him in sole possession of second place...
Hopefully not!
I love the Conversation. I’m also very curious about his upcoming, and apparently crazy, sci-fi film. ‘The work of a madman’: why Coppola’s...
Maybe, but if he’s one of top 3 pitchers, then there is no other place he should go. Hopefully, the move doesn’t seem so desperate after tonight.
It’s one twitter, so no one can stop us from saying his name now! Coppola! Coppola! Coppola!
Everyone has wrong beliefs, but I think a preemptive rejection is the wrong posture to take here. Berliner is an award winning journalist who has...
I definitely feel your pain on this one Tampa. Madison’s whole point was that we need to keep a single faction from owning the system that...
I’m detecting a distinct lack of McNellie tonight. :emoji_spy:
I did have to throw in the “almost”, but yeah I don’t hate giving up 4 runs. I do hate scoring only 1 run. :(