My post was mostly a joke Q. Dan’s post basically called you stupid, so I understand why you responded as you did. I think that post would have...
The hijacks from the same old debates are getting tiresome indeed. On another note, who do you think is more like Hitler, Biden or Trump? Seems...
Yep, let’s go McNellie!
Of course.
Hey let’s not give them any more advantages than we need to.
I have no interest in this specific Jews killed Jesus question, but, and I can’t believe In saying this, I agree with Gaetz’s overall argument...
Found another gem that I think you would like, Dinner in America. As the consensus suggests, it’s totally punk rock. :cool: Dinner in America |...
The terrible fact is that everyone includes themselves among the fair-minded, so whoever is on the outside of this group will be surprised to find...
Not an encouraging showing from Fisher.
If these stats hold up, we’ll be enjoying the fruits of a 0.26 run thrashing tonight!
I think choose whichever conflict feels the strongest. I also focused on Trump/MAGA, as I don’t feel particularly at odds with the other...
This board can still surprise you. Based on your takes on conservative viewpoints, I would have thought for sure you’d have at least a couple of...
You know, in their defense (sort of), I am skeptical of most explanations people give for their beliefs. Not that people can’t say words that seem...
Now this is truly impressive. I think you underestimate how naturally it comes for most of us to get locked into an us vs them mindset. One of my...
Interestingly I also ended up choosing 3-4 with almost identical reasoning.
I recently read the book High Conflict by journalist Amanda Ripley. It’s a lovely book arguing that sometimes conflicts take on a life of their...
Perhaps there is an exploitation argument, but I always think these are tough to make. I personally don’t feel exploited with the summer thing,...
I know what they are saying here. However, if one is on a 9-month contract, they have no explicit expectations during the summer, so that’s why...
I think there is a lot to the article which most academics would endorse. A university can definitely have a feel of a faceless corporation that...