You don't know what stagflation is.
Me? I have a BA from UF and I've known who Ken Burns is since the early 90s when he became very famous due to his Civil War documentary.
I wish more MAGA right-wingers would move to Moscow like he did.
They just don't seem to understand what inflation is.
Do you think that's what 'stagflation' is?
Hopefully this won't happen, but if Trump wins it's going to be funny to watch him do a complete 180 on the economy as soon as Trump takes office.
What about the husband's free speech and expression? If a wife puts up a flag in the yard that the husband disagrees with isn't that just as much...
Hard to believe a grown, supposedly educated man, would not know who Ken Burns is.
Too funny. If everyone thought like you do about (not) adopting new and better technologies, we'd still be living in caves and getting our energy...
I think there must be a website called that the OP gets his links from.
Yeah it's a supply issue. The the active listing count is about half of what it was 8 years ago. There just aren't enough houses for sale, due...
How so? Explain it to us.
The Trump tax cuts eliminate themselves. Trump should have passed permanent tax cuts if that's what he wanted. And do you have a link for the...
No, that's Trump. You saying the equivalent of 'I know you are, but what am I?' doesn't change reality.
It's whatever Breitbart says.
Yep, Biden's economy is kicking ass!
It would be almost as bad as having to deal with your for profit insurance company for your healthcare.
Many other countries have socialized healthcare and have better health outcomes than we do. They pay less for healthcare as a percentage of their...
You're paying for those who can't afford healthcare either way.
Styx blows.