Perfect example of a false equivalency. Thanks for bringing it up. If Trump had responded to requests to return documents as Biden and Pence...
Then you should be fine with Trump's conviction.
No, there's nothing right-wingers like more than false equivalencies and using a valid legal outcome as an excuse for 'retribution'.
There are numerous Democrat officials on the other side of this right now. Robert Menendez is currently on trial for bribery. When a verdict is...
We were born in the same year and my father left my mother for another woman when I was very young. Only saw him a few times a year after that....
Well of course. DeSantis is fine with allowing rich white felons to vote. It's just the poor black felons that he won't allow to vote.
Yes, Trump's plan would be worse. And I'll ask again. Has Biden added or increased tariffs on our allies in Europe and Canada as Trump did?
Our Constitution was not changed from The United States For America to The United States Of America.
This is just gibberish.
It's our new reality. The whole country will have to deal with these idiots for a long time.
So you really think the husband has no legal right to remove the flag the wife put up in their yard?
Has Biden added or increased tariffs on our allies in Europe and Canada as Trump did?
There is no legal basis for that and no one is saying there is. That's the point. It's not a legal issue.
You're pretty testy tonight. I guess you must be butthurt from today's news. Not all of Trump's tariffs were bad. But he placed tariffs on many...
Thanks Joe. I'm fine with strategic tariffs on China.
I don't doubt we will see some MAGA terrorism because of this.
Yeah, the combination of extremely high tariffs and deporting millions of low wage laborers is the kind of thing that could lead to actual...
This is great news!
Bizarre argument. Alito is the government? Even in his own house? And whether or not your spouse is a judge has nothing to do with it. If a...
How so? If the wife puts up a nazi flag and the husband doesn't want to be known as a nazi it's a violation of her free speech for him to take it...