Agree. The NYT opinion page should be 'left' (the 2nd column of the chart), not far left (the first col). I wonder if these ratings are bending...
Yeah but Trump plays golf. While Joe was out biking Trump was probably out cheating at golf somewhere.
The provision that to win statewide office a candidate would have to win a majority of the counties in Texas, gives Loving County, population 64,...
Texas Repubs have just released their platform. It's as insane as you'd expect it to be. Just a few of the platform’s planks: that the Bible...
This will probably bite them in the ass. Unless the WaPo goes full wingnut right, it won't be enough to lure the right-wingers. And if they just...
That last one, of Trump with his daughter in bed, should have disqualified him from ever being elected president. But MAGAs cool with it.
Well he should at least stick around through November. If Trump wins he'll get the dictator he wants without having to move.
Yeah, he clearly doesn't understand what a dictator is. I love it when he claims that Biden, in trying to get certain legislation passed, proves...
Yes, those of us who value democracy and freedom in the US and throughout the world will be crying if the power pendulum swings.
Here's a list of Ken Burns documentaries so those of you who have never heard of him can check him out. Brooklyn Bridge (1981)[a] The Shakers:...
Everyone's already laughing in your face.
No, he's been chugging the MAGA cult kool-aid for a long time.
You're right, we wouldn't except the truth but we would and do accept it. That's the opposite of you and your fellow MAGA right-wingers. You...
Any reasonably informed person on a political board should know who Menendez is. That you don't explains a lot.
I feel our whole country is in danger from these insane maniacs.
Ok, when Dems get convicted of crimes by juries in courts of law, I promise I won't come crying to you as you are to us. We can start with the...
And the irony of right-wingers bashing him is that Burns is very patriotic. Virtually everything he's ever done involves American history and...
It is embarrassing. And funny coming from such an arrogant poster.
Of course it is. Trump is charged with obstruction of justice and making false statements in addition to mishandling classified documents. If he...