You’re exactly right. Lampert was such a fool. Not only did they not see it but they had several opportunities to fix it through acquisitions...
Oh I see plenty of gray. That is where I do all of my work. Nothing is pure white or black. I agree with you that it has gone too far. I think...
I did in my second paragraph. If you want to go re-read it you can. What I basically said was once it was taken over by people like you, changed...
My bad. I meant to hit winner!
The assumption here by many is that all Power 5 schools end each fiscal year with $20+M in the bank. I don’t believe that to be true. To carve...
Exactly like that. Great point. It was visible almost immediately on the military/aerospace side of Boeing, it took a few years to become...
Sometimes you don’t know whether to laugh or cry!
One of many of “those years”, if I re all correctly.
They’ll never let facts and logic override their emotions and narrative. Thank you for helping out the good guys!
With you as the engineer working the locomotive. Congratulations. You’ve really outdone yourself on this thread BLING!
Thank you HRC!
Talk about incoherent babbling????
Another post that is worthless without pictures!!
If you can find it, try to get a copy of Don Felder’s book “Heaven and Hell; My Life With The Eagles”. It’s a great read if you are a music fan...
Styx did have some good songs, but Mr Roboto wasn’t one of them.
Maybe Jackson wrote it, but Don Henley made the record. Jackson Browne did work with the Eagles a good bit
You libs just don’t like it when someone who has walked the walk stuffs your hypocrisy up your asses.
That’s most likely because flying out of Charlotte you were numb to the relatively poor service of US Air and probably didn’t realize how poor...
I’m quite concerned. But you guys have controlled and dominated the eduction system for decades and any lack of knowledge is what you have to...
It’s not, but they don’t get clicks by saying nothing or telling people that you really don’t know.