Who’s suffering?
I’m sure that you are doing all three of the things I listed plus a dozen more. You answer is invalid
You should meet my sister in law. Or maybe not. She is a fantastic cook. I can’t listen to it even for a top notch meal.
I have a question for any lawyers here who are not popping champagne, doing cartwheels, or preparing for their like minded friends to come over....
Enjoy it while you can boys. The appeal decisions will be brutal for you guys.
It was the Executive MBA. I think it was around 18 months. Most of the major programs have had something similar to this for a while now as it...
8 million working persons????
Quite honestly, im a little surprised here Davis. I think of you as an honest liberal. Reasonable, rational, and secure in your beliefs. Your...
Not in the slightest. I was acknowledging the speaker’s education, it questioning it. A performance like that doesn’t just come out...
And not in danger!
Supposedly huh. That’s a nice one. Hard to believe that libbies still like to question the intellect and education of people who don’t think...
True dat!
I invite you to show where I parrot Fox News. When you can’t, please STFU. Im assuming by “actual experts” you’re referring to my disdain of the...
Well with all of this praise he must be better at his day job than he is at commencement speeches. I’ll see if he has done anything on an area...
If you are looking for a great commencement speech, look no further than our own backyard. My daughter graduated last summer for her Masters....
As I have already pointed out ON THIS THREAD, his cardinal sin was railing about people being close minded and all or nothing, and then doing the...
I was speaking based on what I saw. He was an ass clown in that speech and deserves whatever criticism comes his way for that.
I don’t even know who he is. I take it from the speech that he makes films. So yes, since this speech is all I know about him, he is definitely...
I’ll ask Mrs City to go upside your head with a cast iron pan.
Yes, and I think we all know that he is not an existential threat, as the speaker claims. But he claims that with an open mind, of course.