Yes, if factual and didn’t check out for necessity and/or reasonableness, then I would absolutely be bothered. But I have seen too many instances...
Well we can start with the fact that it is from left lean rag.
Realistically, he couldn’t tie Spurrier’s shoelaces.
He’s been grinding for this since Columbus!
Whatever you say.
How about this as a standard?; If the now adult remembers the showers, then the child was of an age where all can agree that it was an...
You’re absolutely correct. Fortunately there are only about 15K of them at any given game.
Talk amongst yourselves!!! I don’t put much cred into these things at face value. Investigate it and refute or confirm. Should be easy....
Absolutely. That’s why nc and I both said we prefer reading multiple sources. I’m also careful not to read one that sources much from another...
You made it political with your dopehead comment and you know it. The timing of your first post here is irrelevant.
Unfortunately, no. Mrs Aging has the unique ability to simultaneously not be able to see crap out of her practically translucent ray bans, yet...
I couldn’t thank you and agree with you with multiple emojis. You’re completely correct. Reading multiple books of the same historical event or...
Also a couple of extension cords. He may need to put the big fans a little further away from the power outlets for better video
Well it looks like MAGA hats are getting a bit more popular on the south side these days. We both may need to step out of our shells in the not...
You should have joined us in Jax a few weeks ago for Little Big Town, Chris Stapleton and George Strait.
Saw Huey and the News in Orlando in 87. Robert Cray opened for him. Both were phenomenal. Saw the Commodores before Lionel left to go solo....
Congratulations BLING, you didn’t even wait for the replies to take a serious issue political. Well done sir!!
You seem to do an excellent job of embarrassing yourself. You probably should work on that before you make referrals about others.
Then it’s obvious that his skills mastery in documentaries does not translate well to commencement addresses.
A democrat accusing someone of being in an echo chamber??? Now that is rich. Actually, who is the ignorant one to question someone who simply...