I like the way you think!
Careful there doc! If we all did an honest cost/benefit analysis of our time spent on this board, the forum would be closed.
Thank you. I guess it’s legal up there to badger people all you want as long as there’s no harm! (I know that’s a bad joke, but couldn’t resist)....
Thank you. Is it common for states not to have assault as a chargeable crime? Seems like that and a requirement for harm to be the basis for...
Did a law change? I would think that him simply putting his hands on Briggs should give them the ability to add assault to the disorderly...
You should have called me first!
If he put his hands Briggs why isn’t he charged with assault as well?
If you are fortunate to still have that great man with you, God bless him. If he has passed may he rest in peace. We all owe him and his fellow...
I’ve never said that spurrier inherited an empty cupboard. I have noted many times that the roster he inherited was loaded. And unlike Meyer,...
So now you claim to be a seer. We are all asking; where does this man’s talents begin?
All I know about Italian police is that a chief left a mobsters house with his hand pointing out of an ice bucket that he was carrying with his...
I don’t think so for three reasons; 1. The staff that he had on board at the end of 2010 was a shadow of the staff he brought in 2005 and he was...
If Spurrier had come back in 05 he would have most likely won the NC 05 and 06 with Zookers roster. And Zook had the number one class lined up...
At least I’m open to future evidence, you’re not. You have the answer you want and that’s that.
Let time prove them true and we’ll see. They’re not true just because a left lean rag said it and you libs like what they said
No, believe me, I see his warts and they are many. I just don’t magnify them by 1000X like the libs do. The real thing issue you should...
Nice try. If I hadn’t lived through Reagan was a Dope, Bush 41 was out of touch, Bush 43 was a bigger dope then Reagan AND a a drug using...
Sometimes, yes. But more often they lie, omit, and embellish. And the further they “lean” one way or the other in these so called biased ratings,...
Again, what does that mean? How many others in the organization got raises/promos in the same time period? Were the others of the same magnitude?...
You’re example is a perfect reason why we shouldn’t trust journalists anymore.