So glad you had a wonderful tiime we gave our Buc tickets away....Flip is out of town a few days
Go Rays! Wahoooooooo TAMPA BAY
how about those Rays???????
so how about those Rays? and those Bucs?
Hey Verti~ sup?
great adds to your photo album love the Plumeria blossoms and cats.........both a fav of mine. Thanks for the is fun to use the...
hello Leahy
oh that stinks Rulz!!! they are so quick at that age.....must have not enjoyed that episode~~~
you've got some nice pics there you must do a "garden" album color changes yet???
nice improvements here....
was thinking you might have loaded some of your great snapshots here......tis easy Hoping to see some soon V
hey these new custom profile pages is easy to learn to add pics etc too...........jump in and do it big time Chuck~
PMC, so nice to get PM from you~ you were one of the first reasons I came to GatorCountry long ago, along with Matt. We need you around here...
still slacking
hey, got to get some cool star wars background here
got a little color change here
we got to get you an avatar.....your name is too cool to go without~
now we have to wait until Saturday.....
Chuck has an AVATAR~~~ WAHOOOOOO progressing~